Skopje, 27 November 2018 – The Agency conducted a regular programme supervision over the provider of on-demand audiovisual media services, ONE.VIP from Skopje, and its obligations concerning cinematographic works, minors’ protection and promoting the production of and access to European works. The supervision found no violations of the LAAVMS[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over 4 Television Stations
Skopje, 26 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the 1 TV, TV Klan Makedonija, Shenja TV and TV KOMPANI 21-M, regarding their observance of the legal provisions regulating language use rules in their programmes[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Kabel-L-Net
Skopje, 26 November 2018 – Regular programme supervision was conducted over the Kabel-L-Net cable operator from Struga, regarding its observance of the obligations to register its programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes it retransmits. The supervision did not find any violations of the Law on AAVMS[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over 1 TV
Skopje, 23 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the 1 TV regarding its observance of the several legal provisions under the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services[…]
Public Debate Opened on Amending and Supplementing the Rulebook on the Content and Format of the Application to be Enrolled in the Register of Operators that Retransmit Programming Packages and of the Programme Package/Service Registration Certificate
Skopje, 23.11.2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is opening a public debate, as of today, on establishing the need to amend … […]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Skupi Kable Operator
Skopje, 22 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the Skupi Kable cable operator from Skopje, regarding its observance of the obligations to register their programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes it retransmits. The supervision did not find any violations of the Law on AAVMS.[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Telenet Kom and KDS-VT
Skopje, 22 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the operators Telenet KOm from Tetovo and KDS-VT, from Probistip, regarding their observance of the obligations to register their programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes they retransmit. The supervision did not find any violations of the Law on AAVMS.[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over an On-Demand AVMS Provider, Makedonski Telekom
Skopje, 22 November 2018 – The Agency conducted a regular programme supervision over the work of the provider of on-demand audiovisual media services, Makedonski Telekom Shareholders’ Company for Electronic Communications from Skopje, with regard to its obligations concerning minors’ protection, cinematographic works, and promoting the production of and access to European works. The supervision found no violations.[…]
Ad Hoc Administrative Supervision Conducted over “Bahce” Magazine
Skopje, 15 November 2018 – The Agency conducted ad hoc administrative supervision over the JENI BALKAN DOOEL export-import Skopje Manufacturing, Trade and Services Company, as the publisher of the “Bahce” Magazine, to verify if the latter had been observing the requirement to publish an Impressum[…]
Students of the Law Faculty in Skopje Pay Visit to the Agency
Skopje, 9 November 2018 – Students of the Department of Journalism and Public Relations, at the “Justinian the First” Faculty of Law in Skopje, paid a visit to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services today, as part of their practical tuition within the frameworks of the subject Public Relations[…]