13.04.2011 BC organizes a Roundtable about the Rulebooks for Media Coverage of the Elections

13.04.2011, SKOPJE – The Broadcasting Council will organize a roundtable on the Rulebook for Conduct of the Media Outlets in the Period prior to the Start of the Election Campaign and Rulebook for changing and amending the Rulebook on Equal Access to the Media Presentation, which will take place today and tomorrow in the premises of BC. The public meetings with the media representatives and all interested stakeholders in the media coverage of the forth-coming early parliamentary elections has an aim to shape the final text of the secondary legislation for media coverage of the elections.


29.03.2011 The BC presented to the media the innovations of the future Law on Electronic Media

SKOPJE, 29.03.2011 – The main topic on the agenda of today’s session of the Broadcasting Council (BC) was how the media companies in Republic of Macedonia will be affected by the transposition of the European Audio-visual Media Services Directive. BC as one of the participants in the working group, tasked to draft the new Law on Electronic Media, gave a contribution by shaping the program standards, which will be part of the text of the new law. The BC working group, during this first phase of preparation of the law, prepared a draft version of one part of the law, which is available to the media.[…]

09.03.2011г. Повик до сите овластени застапници за склучување договори за реемитување на програмски сервиси низ јавните комуникациски мрежи…

Советот за радиодифузија на Република Македонија, врз основа на календарот на активности, превидени со Национална програма за усвојување на правото на Европската унија 2011, го … […]

