May 29, 2013 Presenting of the amended broadcasting licences

Skopje, May 29, 2013 – The Broadcasting Council today presented the amended broadcasting licenses. As of 1 June 2013, by the multiplex operator “One”, five national TV stations and 26 regional ones will broadcast their programme and by a public electronic communication network operator 30 TV stations, out of which 27 local and 3 regional TV stations, will broadcast programme.[…]

April 23, 2013 – Notification to televisions about the manner of inserting advertisements in the split screen

There are frequent reactions of the audience submitted to the Broadcasting Council, which has objections in cases when the split-screen advertisements (pop-up) are inserted into the programme, covering a significant part of the screen, sometimes covering the subtitled translation of some foreign television programmes, broadcasted by televisions as their programme offer.[…]

