SKOPJE 27.10.2010 – BC send an official reaction to the President of the Parliament of Republic of Macedonia and to the Council of the Parliamentary Channel as results of the last breaches of the Broadcasting Law by the Parliamentary Channel.[…]
05.11.2010 The Serbian Ambassador paid a Visit to the Broadcasting Council
SKOPJE, 05.11.2010 – Improvement of the cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Serbia in the area of electronic media, further professionalization of the media outlets in Serbian language and fulfillment of the needs of the Serbian community for informing in Macedonia were in the focus of today’s meeting between Zoran Stefanoski,[…]
18.10.2010 New commercial radio stations in Probishtip, Kriva Palanka, Tetovo and Kichevo
SKOPJE, 18.10.2010 – On today’s session the Broadcasting Council (BC) issued four licenses for local commercial radio stations: one in Probishtip, one in Kriva Palanka, one in Tetovo and one in Kicevo.[…]
08.10.2010 BC was officially announced in Belgrade as a host of a next EPRA meeting
06.10.2010 Written Warning for TVA1 for the Broadcast Abort
SKOPJE, 06.10.2010 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) adopted a sanction “written warning“ to TVA1 on today’s session, because of the voluntary abortion of its programming on 4th of October.[…]
04.10.2010 BC is surprised from the voluntary step of A1TV for complete switch-off of its programming
28.09.2010г. Советот за радиодифузија им укажа на медиумите да внимаваат на заштитата на децата и на човековото достоинство во политичкото рекламирање…
СКОПЈЕ, 28.09.2010 – Советот за радиодифузија (СРД) од спроведениот мониторинг на телевизиските програми констатираше, дека во последно време на повеќе телевизии постојано се емитува платено политичко рекламирање.[…]
13.09.2010г. 3D-телевизијата е хајлат на годинешниот Меѓународен конгрес за радиодифузија во Амстердам – IBC
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07.09.2012 BC protects the exclusive rights of the broadcasters
SKOPJE- 07.09.2010– The Broadcasting Council (BC) will request from all broadcasters to provide BC in a timely manner with information if they broadcast sport or other type of programs with exclusive rights for Republic of Macedonia,[…]