Skopje, 15.12.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared the Draft Methodology for Monitoring Election Media Coverage by the Radio and Television Programme Serviced during Election Processes, and calls on the media, political parties and all other interested entities to join in the public debate on the relevant draft-text.[…]
Supply of Equipment for a System of Monitoring Media Content for the Purposes of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 14.12.2015 – Today marked the start of the project for “Supply of Equipment for a System of Monitoring Media Content for the Purposes of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services”. The project will be carried out as part of the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – IPA 2011.[…]
Students of “Goce Delcev” University in Stip pay visit to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services
Skopje, 12.12.2015 – The students of several departments of the Faculty of Law at the “Goce Delcev” University in Stip paid a visit to the Agency[…]
Agency prepares Concept for the Development of Non-Profit Broadcasting Institutions
Skopje, 12.12.2015 – The Council of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services adopted, at its 39th session held on 11.12.2015, the prepared Concept for the Development of Non-Profit Broadcasting Institutions (No. 01-7043/1, dated 16.12.2015).[…]
Conference on Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey held in Brussels
04.11.2015 – Under the motto “Speak Up!”, the European Commission is hosting, in Brussels today, the 3rd Conference on Freedom of Expression and Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey.[…]
17th Plenary Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities held in Split
06.10.2015 – The Agency for Electronic Media of the Republic of Croatia hosted, on 1 and 2 October 2015, the 17th Plenary Assembly of the Mediterranean Network of Regulatory Authorities (MNRA), which was attended by representatives of the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.[…]
Bilateral meeting of the Republic of Serbia and Republic of Macedonia’s Media Regulators
Skopje, 29.09.2015. – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services hosted a bilateral meeting with representatives of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Media of the Republic of Serbia. The aim of the bilateral meeting was to promote mutual relations and exchange experiences in the sphere of media regulation.[…]
AAAVMS presents activities completed in Q3 at the Third Public Meeting
Skopje, 18.09.2015. – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services held its third public meeting in 2015, in accordance with the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services.[…]
Regulatory Authorities Hold Regional Meeting to Promote Protection of Minors in Reality Show Programmes
07.07.2015 – The participants in the meeting, along with the experts from Slovenia and Croatia, exchanged experiences related to regulation in this field, with a special accent on the distribution and marking[…]
Public debate on the Draft Programme for Promoting Media Literacy in the Republic of Macedonia
Skopje, 02.07.2015 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is opening a public debate on the text of the Draft Programme for Promoting Media Literacy in the Republic of Macedonia.[…]