Skopje, 5 December 2018 – Based on a regular programme and administrative supervision conducted over the programme of 1 TV and the detected disregard for the obligations to protect the juvenile audience, publish Impressums and follow the rules for airing audiovisual commercial communications, the Agency imposed warning measures[…]
Featured Articles
Warning Measure Imposed against 1 TV re. Information that Should Be Made Available to the Users
Skopje, 3 December 2018 – Based on a conducted regular administrative supervision over the programme of 1 TV, which detected disregard for the obligation to air information that should be made available to the users, the Agency imposed a warning measure against 1 TV[…]
Warning Measure Imposed against 1 TV
Skopje, 3 December 2018 – Based on the findings of a regular programme supervision over the work of 1TV, indicating disregard for the obligation to provide quizzes and other forms of award-winning participation, the Agency imposed a warning measure againt 1TV[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over KANAL 16
Skopje, 30 November 2018 – Regular programme supervision was conducted over the KANAL 16 cable operator from Resen, regarding its observance of the obligations to register its programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes it retransmits[…]
Administrative Supervision Conducted over Four National Television Stations
Skopje, 27 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular administrative supervision over the 1 TV, TV Klan Makedonija, Shenja TV and TV KOMPANI 21-M, regarding their observance of the requirements to publish Impressums, broadcaster’s identification and information that should be made available to the users[…]
Study to Establish the Current Situation on the Regional and Local TV Markets
Skopje, 30 November 2018 – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services prepared a Study on establishing the current situation on the regional and local TV markets in the Republic of Macedonia[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over ONE.VIP
Skopje, 27 November 2018 – The Agency conducted a regular programme supervision over the provider of on-demand audiovisual media services, ONE.VIP from Skopje, and its obligations concerning cinematographic works, minors’ protection and promoting the production of and access to European works. The supervision found no violations of the LAAVMS[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over 4 Television Stations
Skopje, 26 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the 1 TV, TV Klan Makedonija, Shenja TV and TV KOMPANI 21-M, regarding their observance of the legal provisions regulating language use rules in their programmes[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over Kabel-L-Net
Skopje, 26 November 2018 – Regular programme supervision was conducted over the Kabel-L-Net cable operator from Struga, regarding its observance of the obligations to register its programming services with the Agency and provide subtitles for the programmes it retransmits. The supervision did not find any violations of the Law on AAVMS[…]
Regular Programme Supervision Conducted over 1 TV
Skopje, 23 November 2018 – The Agency conducted regular programme supervision over the 1 TV regarding its observance of the several legal provisions under the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services[…]