March 02, 2012 Representatives from BC briefing on media regulation in 2011 during the regular subcommittee session between RM and EC in Brussels
Skopje, March 02, 2012 – The detailed Analysis of the broadcasting market in 2010, which was produced by BC, was presented during (from 27 to 28 February) the regular joint Subcommittee on Innovation,[…]
March 01, 2012 Recommendation of the Broadcasting Council to the broadcasters in terms of the day of mourning
28.12.2011 A Meeting was held at BC with TV Sitel and TV Alsat-M about the broadcast of the TV serial “Valley of the Wolves”
SKOPJE, 28.12.2011 – Today, two separate meetings were held at BC with representatives from TV Sitel and TV Alsat-M regarding the broadcast of the series “Valley of the Wolfs”, whose main goal was to improve the protection of minors.[…]
27.12.2011 BC prolonged the Deadline of Four Satellite Televisions to start Broadcasting over Satellite
SKOPJE, 27.12.2011 – On today’s session, BC reviewed the information regarding the respect of the obligation of the satellite televisions to broadcast over satellite as primary delivery platform. In order to collect additional facts in regard to the satellite broadcast,[…]
13.12.2011 The deadline for applications related to the call for expressing interest for the project activities related to Digi TV was extended
SKOPJE, 13.12.2011 –Tthe Broadcasting Council extended the deadline for the call for application for all the interested economical operators in relation to the call for expression … […]
07.12.2011 Counseling on the reforms in the media provisions was held at the Broadcasting Council
SKOPJE, 07.12.2012 – the future media provisions, their range, the tasks and the mandate of the regulations of the Broadcasting Council as a regulatory body were in the focus of the discussion related to the new law that would regulate the media sphere, where despite of the members of the Council, […]
06.12.2011 Discussion on the legal regulation of the media sphere at the Broadcasting Council
SKOPJE, 06.12.2011 – The representatives from the NGO sector, the Macedonian Broadcasting, the Association for Protection of Copyrights, the Ministry of Transport and Communications and the Broadcasting Council held a meeting where they exchanged points of views and opinions related to the need of according[…]
02.12.2011г. СРД на ТВ Сител и’ изрече мерка писмена опомена со барање за објавување поради непочитување на правото за одговор и исправка
СКОПЈЕ, 02.12.2011 – На денешното второ продолжение на 19тата седница, СРД и’ изрече писмена опомена со барање за објавување на телевизијата „Сител“ поради прекршено право на … […]