Skopje, 9 December 2016 – Based on the written reports on monitoring the coverage of the elections by TV Edo DOOEL s. Ljubin, Saraj, and TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje,[…]
Featured Articles
Misdemeanour Procedures Initiated against Nova TV, Sitel TV, MTM TV, K Tri TV and EF-EM 90.3 SportskoRadio
Skopje, 9 December 2016 – Based on the action proposals submitted by the Ad Hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage, the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services filed three requests[…]
Proposals by the Ad Hoc Committee concerning Nova TV, MTM TV, K Tri TV and EF-EM Radio
Skopje, 8 December 2016 – Based on the written reports on the monitoring of media coverage of the elections, the Ad Hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage submitted Action Proposals to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services concerning[…]
Monitoring of the Coverage of Elections by TV Edo and TV Shenja
Skopje, 8 December 2016 – While monitoring the coverage of the elections by TV Edo DOOEL s. Ljubin, Saraj and TV Shenja DOOEL Skopje, the Agency detected violation of certain articles of the Electoral Code.[…]
Monitoring Conducted Over the Coverage of Elections by Nova TV, Art TV, HDTR Kanal Plus, Antena 5 Radio and Radio Slobodna Makedonija
Skopje, 7 December 2016 – While monitoring the coverage of the elections by Televizija Nova DOOEL Skopje, TV Art Artan DOO Tetovo, HDTR Kanal Plus DOOEL Skopje, TRD Radio Antena 5 Petrov,[…]
Reports on Monitoring the Coverage of Elections by 22 Programming Services in the period 21-30 November 2016
Skopje, 06.12.2016. – The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted monitoring of the media coverage of the elections by 22 programming services, in the period from 21 until 30 November 2016.[…]
The Agency Reminds: There Are Rules for Level Playing Field and Inciting Speech
Skopje, 5 December 2016 – Several political entities participating in the electoral process have informed the Agency that certain media have not been reporting on their activities as part of the election campaign.[…]
Proposals by the Ad Hoc Committee concerning Nova TV, Kompani 21-M TV, Nasha TV, Regionalna TV Ultra, Alsat-M TV and Telma TV
Skopje, 5 December 2016 – Based on the written reports on the monitoring of the media coverage of the elections, the Ad-hoc Committee for Observing Media Coverage submitted to the Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services Action Proposals[…]
Monitoring Conducted Over the Coverage of Elections by Nova TV, MTM TV, K Tri TV and EF-EM 90.3 Sportsko Radio
Skopje, 5 December 2016 – While monitoring the coverage of the elections by TV Nova DOOEL Skopje, TV MTM DOOEL Skopje, K Tri Televizija DOOEL Kumanovo and EF-EM 90.3 Sportsko Radio DOOEL Skopje,[…]
Control Supervision Conducted over SKUPI KABLE and VVV-INTERNET GRUP Cable Operators
Skopje, 2 December 2016 –The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services conducted control programme supervision over the work of two cable operators – the SKUPI KABLE DOO Skopje Telecommunications Company (digital package),[…]