Skopje, June 05, 2012 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) today and tomorrow will be the host of the meeting of the Executive and the Administrative Board of the project DigiTV, intended to promote the digital television in South-Eastern Europe, co-financed by the European Union IPA funds.[…]
Featured Articles
June 04, 2012 The Broadcasting Council will be the host of the meeting of the Executive and the Administrative Board of the DigiTV project tomorrow
May 31, 2012 Representatives from the Broadcasting Council gave an active contribution to the 35th meeting of the EPRA
Portoroz, May 31, 2012 – In the period from 30th May until 1st June, in Portoroz was held the 35th meeting of the European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA).[…]
May 21, 2012 The President of the Broadcasting Council appeared with his own speech at the conference on ‘’Freedom and Privacy on Internet’’
May 15, 2012 The Broadcasting Council has given A2 TV a deadline of seven days to adjust its program with the format from the license
Skopje, May 15, 2012 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) on the satellite TV Station A2 has given a deadline of seven days to adjust the broadcasted program according to the format contained in the license.[…]
May 09, 2012 NATO Delegation visits the Broadcasting Council
Skopje, May 09, 2012 – The condition of the media in the Republic of Macedonia, the role of the Broadcasting Council as a regulatory body for electronic media and the promotion of the freedom of expression were the topics that were the subject of the conversation on the meeting held with the NATO delegation led by M. Laurie Walker, authorized representative of the NATO services for the record on the Republic of Macedonia, and with the members of the Broadcasting Council.[…]
May 03, 2012 Freedom of the media – a top priority of BC
Skopje, May 03, 2012 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) congratulates the International Day of Media Freedom – celebrated today, to all the media, which aims to promote and raise the awareness of the importance of the freedom and independence of the media.[…]
April 18, 2012 MA Zoran Trajchevski is the new president of the BC
Skopje, April 18, 2012 – Members of the Broadcasting Council at today’s meeting unanimously elected MA Zoran Trajchevski the new President of the BC, after determining the completion of the mandates of the three former members, the Academician Ali Aliu, Professor Tome Gruevski and Zoran Stefanoski.[…]
April 06, 2012 Sitel TV has the exclusive rights to broadcast the handball matches for the qualification tournaments for the Olympic Games of 2012
Skopje, April 06, 2012 – The Broadcasting Council (BC) to all the public communication networks’ operators (cable, IPTV, DVB-T) that rebroadcast foreign program services in the Republic of Macedonia, where there will be also a transmission of the handball qualification tournaments for a ranking at the Olympic Games in London, has required the broadcasters to darken the screen in the period when this tournaments will be rebroadcasted.[…]
April 06, 2012 The Broadcasting Council has revoked the licenses of Jungle TV and Perspektiva TV (Sky Net Plus)
Skopje, April 06, 2012 – On the today’s session the Broadcasting Council decided to revoke the license of Jungle TV and Perspektiva TV because of non broadcasting of the program service through satellite and the failure to pay the compensation regarding the license within the deadline determined in the license.[…]