Competencies of the Agency

The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services is an independent, non-profit regulatory body with the status of a legal entity with public competencies. 

According to Article 6 of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, the Agency performs the following duties and responsibilities: 

–          ensures transparency in the broadcaster’s work;

–          ensures the protection and development of pluralism in the sphere of audio and audiovisual media services, encourages and supports the existence of diverse and independent audio and audiovisual media services;

–          takes measures in accordance with the Law in cases where provisions of the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services, or regulations adopted on the basis of is Law and terms and obligations stipulated by the licenses are violated;

–          ensures the protection of minors;

–          adopts acts derived from the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services;

–          ensures the protection of citizens’ interests in the area of audio and audiovisual media services;

–          detects the existence of illicit media concentration;

–          decides on the assignment, extension or revocation of licenses for television or radio broadcasting;

–          takes measures to temporarily restrict on transmission and reception of audio and audiovisual media services from other countries on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia;

–          adopts a list of events of major importance;

–          encourages media literacy;

–          maintains the registries established by the Law;

–          conducts researches and analyses on specific issues concerning audio and audiovisual media services;

–          performs audience measurement in terms of viewership or listenership of the programmes, i.e programme services of the broadcasters in the Republic of Macedonia;

–          prescribes the manner of audience measurement in terms of viewership or listenership of the programmess, i.e programme services of the broadcasters in the Republic of Macedonia

–          performs other duties determinate by the Law on Audio and Audiovisual Media Services

